SaskPower Providing Saskatoon Homeowners More With Technology

It is great to see Saskatoon utility providers like SaskPower embrace technology and use it to not only benefit their clients but also to be more environmentally friendly.  Saskatoon home owners and renters now have the ability to find all of your account details online by signing up at:  There are many benefits by creating an online account that include:

  • Ability to check your current balance.
  • Compare previous power bills and usage.
  • Review your current power consumption and change your power usage accordingly to save money and power.
  • Sign up for equalized monthly payments.
  • Sign up for paperless billing which is not only convienent but also environmentally friendly!

Within the next few years I believe we will start to see more and more companies moving to this format.  It is a great alternative for homeowners and makes our busy lives that much easier to manage.  I know for myself, since signing up with my My Power Account I enjoy using it far more than I ever did recieving just a regular bill in the mail!

Kari Calder
Saskatoon Real Estate Agent
Century 21 Conexus Realty Ltd.

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