Earth Hour is a global event organized by the World Wildlife Federation. On March 29th at 8pm until 9pm millions of people around the world will do one very simple thing which will deliver a powerful and symbolic message about the need to address global warming. Starting at 8pm on the 29th people around the world will turn off their lights in their home and businesses for 1 hour. This includes things like televisions, computers, etc. I think this is an amazing idea and it unites everyone in the world that believes that global warming is a real threat that needs to be addressed. I encourage all Saskatoon home owners and everyone else in Saskatoon and the surrounding areas to take part in this event. This is an amazing opportunity to contribute to the overall success of an important message. Be sure to tell friends and family of this event. Some people may think what can I possibly do for an hour without the lights on? As for myself I plan on spending the night with a few friends and lighting a few candles and just enjoy some quality time with them. Be sure to spread the word around about Earth Hour and do your part as a Saskatoon home owner and turn your lights off on March 29th from 8pm to 9pm. Be sure to check out the video at You Tube!
Kari Calder
Saskatoon Real Estate Agent
Century 21 Conexus Realty Ltd.