There are many benefits when working with a Saskatoon Century 21 real estate agent, but one that no other Saskatoon Realtor can offer is providing their clients Air Miles. Century 21 Canada is the only real estate organization in Canada that offers Air Miles. Just recently Century 21 signed their renewal contract with Air Miles to ensure they continue to provide this great benefit to their clients. If you are unfamiliar with the Air Milesprogram, it is a great program that is free to join. Essentially when you purchase items at Air Miles sponsors you earn points that you can later redeem for everything ranging from gift certificates for gas to flights to your favorite destinations. When purchasing a home with a Century 21 Saskatoon Real Estate agent you earn 2 Air Miles Reward Miles for every $1000 property value you buy or sell. As you can imagine this adds up quite quickly and is a huge bonus for people buying and selling property. Be sure when buying or selling a home in Saskatoon or the surrounding area to work with a Century 21 Realtor and earn Air Miles to put towards anything from a new item for your home or towards your dream vacation. Be sure to contact me to find out additional information on the Air Miles Reward Program and the Saskatoon real estate market!
Kari Calder
Saskatoon Real Estate Agent
Century 21 Conexus Realty Ltd.