The Saskatchewan Crownsthis year have recorded record earnings however the promise made by the NDP government that Saskatchewan residents would have the lowest bundled utilities across Canada could end in the near future. The SaskParty has said in news paper articles that they won’t up hold this promise to Saskatchewan residents as it was a campaign promise made by the NDP. I for one enjoy the fact that our utilities are cheaper than the rest of Canada and I believe it’s one of the many benefits of being a resident in Saskatchewan. A potential increase for utilities in the province of Saskatchewan could have a huge affect on home owners. With the sudden increase of real estate prices across our province, affordable utilities are something that everyone needs.
It will be interesting to see what happens down the road especially considering Saskatchewan Crown Corporations are reporting record profits. I am hoping the SaskParty government will realize and keep the cost of utilities down for all residents. As a Saskatoon real estate owner myself, higher increases in utilities will have a big affect on what people can afford down the road.
Kari Calder
Saskatoon Real Estate Agent
Century 21 Conexus Realty Ltd.