E.D. Feehan High School, located in the Caswell Hill area of Saskatoon, will receive a major overhaul. E.D. Feehan’s enrolment dropped dramatically with the opening of a second Catholic high school in the city’s West side, Bethlehem High School.
The preliminary drawings were unveiled last week to allow more career training at the school. Renovations will begin in January, 2010 on the south end of the school’s main floor where those with intelluctual and/or physical disabilities are fully integrated.
The school has also received approval for a 50 spot day care centre. The preschool portion of the new day care will be ready for 30 preschoolers within about 6 months time. The second phase, which will accomdate 20 infants/toddlers, is expected to take longer.
Most of the work should be completed within 3 years, with the majority of the renovations taking place during the next 2 summers.
Post secondary classes, such as a new “health campus”, will train students in the health care field and this is a joint venture with the Saskatoon Health Region and Gabriel Dumont Technical Institute.
The role of E.D. Feehan has changed and is now more of a community school and will create more opportunites for the community to use the school’s facilities. For example, the students in the school’s contruction program will be building a house at school for the Whitecap Dakota First Nation.
The provincial government is contributing $3.75 million and the school division is giving the remaining $1.25 million.
Kari Calder
Residential Real Estate Specialist
Century 21 Conexus Realty Ltd.