If a house for sale in Saskatoon is priced right and within a certain price range, you may have to deal with multiple offers and you may have to offer above list price to get the house you want.
The Saskatoon real estate market has picked up and inventory is low in certain price ranges and areas. I have been told of a recent listing that received several offers within the first day. One of the offers that was $5000 above list price was the lowest of at least 4 offers that he knew of on a Saskatoon house for sale on the east side. If you are thinking of buying a house or condo for sale in Saskatoon you need to have a Saskatoon realtor (R) dedicated to helping you buy a house in Saskatoon and one who can react quickly.
That doesn’t mean we can go back to overpricing homes and hoping for the best…today’s home buyer in Saskatoon is more savvy than even 2 years ago and a lot more cautious, so when selling your house in Saskatoon you still need to be on the mark with your prices and remember that most serious buyers will be using the professional services of a Saskatoon Realtor(r). If you are looking to sell your house in Saskatoon then contact me for more information.
I genuinely hope that we don’t go back to every listing receiving multiple offers, but I believe a lot of that was driven by investors whereas now if a good solid home hits the Saskatoon MLS and it is priced right, there will be enough interest to generate several offers.
Kari Calder
Residential Real Estate Specialist
Century 21 Conexus Realty Ltd Saskatoon