Archive for the ‘Sellers’ Category

Do Not Leave Paint Cans On Concrete

Monday, July 27th, 2009

I learned something new today after discovering last week that my paint cans, after having been sitting on the concrete floor in the basement of my house in Saskatoon , started to leak. I noticed the leaking paint cans about a week ago and couldn’t figure out which ones were actually leaking. I moved a few of them onto a plastic bag and it seemed to just get messier. Just a gooey orangey brown mess! Of course, the only can of paint that I needed to use was one of the few that was the culprit. I have my house for sale in Saskatoon and I wanted to do a bit of touch up work to help sell the house in Saskatoon, but of course the only one that I absolutely had to have was one of the bad ones.

I took my paint colour, thankfully I still kept the leaking can, to Benjamin Moore paint in Saskatoon and told them what happened. The girl just smiled and said “where were you storing your paint” and I thought she was assuming I was silly enough to store it in my garage and, as we all know in Saskatoon, our garages freeze in the winter so we must store our paint indoors. I told her I kept it in the basement, so I was happy I wasn’t one of those sillies who thinks paint is okay in the cold garage. She asked about the flooring and I said it was concrete…then she asked if I had anything under the cans and I confirmed that I did not. That was the problem! She told me that concrete and paint cans don’t mix and that in some new houses the paint cans can be eaten away in as little as a week. I was amazed! I had no idea! I am relieved that I can clean up the mess and prevent any further issues but storing my paint on something other than concrete. Even a small buffer like a plastic bag should prevent the corrosion. As I have one of the many houses for sale in Saskatoon I know how important it is to have everything in good shape and any nicks in the walls fixed, but also to ensure that buyers don’t look at the staining on the concrete and mistake the leaky paint cans for water issues. As a Realtor in Saskatoon I was told by other Saskatoon real estate agents when I first started to be careful of signals like staining on the floor and rust from paint cans as that may indicate a leaky basement…but now I know that marks on the floor from paint cans don’t always mean that the house has had water issues…maybe they just had improper storage of their paint like I did! I will be telling all other new Saskatoon realtors that I speak to about my experience as this does affect houses for sale in Saskatoon and it does affect people’s perception of homes for sale in Saskatoon as it can scare someone away.

Kari Calder
Saskatoon Real Estate Agent
Century 21 Conexus Realty Ltd.

Government To Help Pay For Renos!

Saturday, April 4th, 2009

Spring has sprung in Saskatoon believe it or not (the snow lately would make us believe otherwise!) which means that Home Depot and Rona in Saskatoon are busier than ever with people getting the itch to renovate their homes in Saskatoon. With the current global economic slowdown another area that has been suffering is home renovations in Saskatoon and across the world. The Government has recognized that this area is also suffering so they are assisting this industry. For all home renovations between January 27, 2009 and February 1st, 2010 the government is offering a 15% rebate.

This helps with the houses for sale in Saskatoon and keep in mind that home renovations aren’t just to make your house look pretty; renovating your houses in Saskatoon also may save you money in the long run with more energy efficient and eco friendly houses in Saskatoon. Some products that are available and that make sense to put into your Saskatoon home are: dual flush toilets/low-water consumption toilets, new windows, proper/additional insulation, high efficient furnaces, and programmable thermostats.

As with all rebate programs there are certain rules you have to follow therefore it is important to read these guidelines and confirm that your project will be subsidized. For example, furniture and accessories are not items covered in the rebate, nor are new appliances for your kitchen.

Some of the projects that will be covered are replacing old windows, any type of kitchen/bathroom renovation, and basement renovations. Even if you can do the work yourself you can claim for products, materials, and even equipment rental.

Don’t forget that the City of Saskatoon needs money too therefore building permits are required and mandatory with any type of renovation to your Saskatoon home. Not having a permit can cause delays and hefty fines. Most people prefer not to pull permits but from a real estate in Saskatoon perspective when you put your house for sale in Saskatoon you are much better off if you can prove that you have pulled permits to do your renovations. These permits are also eligible for the 15% rebate.

You can claim a minimum of $1000 and a maximum of $10,000 and you claim it when filing your income tax return. For specifics you should contact the Department of Finance Canada and ask about your eligibility for HRTC at 1-800-O-Canada

If you need some help with your home renovations in Saskatoon I know a few people who are great so feel free to contact me for a referral!

Kari Calder
Saskatoon Real Estate Agent
Century 21 Conexus Realty

What Saskatoon Real Estate Zoning Means

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

The Saskatoon real estate market can be confusing at the best of times, but then there are all the codes that come along to confuse you further. These codes reflect Saskatoon residential real estate, commercial real estate in Saskatoon has other codes that you can ask me about.

In Saskatoon Real Estate, here are some of the most common Zoning Codes that you will see:

  • R1-large lot for one unit dwelling
  • R1A-normal lot for one unit dwelling
  • R1B-small lot for one unit dwelling
  • R2-one and two unit dwellings
  • RMHC-mobile home court district
  • RMHL-mobile homes on individual sites
  • R2A-low density residential infill district for one and two unit dwellings
  • RMTN-townhouse residential district
  • RM1-low density (1-4 units) multiple unit dwellings
  • RM2-low/medium density multiple unit dwellings
  • RM3-medium density multiple unit dwelling
  • RM4-medium/high density multiple unit dwelling
  • RM5-high density multiple unit dwelling

When looking at purchasing real estate in Saskatoon zoning can be important depending on what your future plans are for the lot and depending on what is currently in the house. If you are in a Saskatoon neighbourhood that is zoned R1 and you have 3 suites, the city of Saskatoon can enforce the zoning laws if they find out you have 3 suites. They can enforce you to take the suites out (which is generally removing the kitchens in them).

So this should make the zoning in Saskatoon a bit more clear, but you can always look at the City of Saskatoon’s website for a more in depth look before purchasing real estate in Saskatoon.

Kari Calder
Saskatoon Real Estate Agent
Century 21 Conexus Realty Ltd.

Call For Your Free Home Evaluation

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

If you are thinking about selling your home and are interested in finding out what it may be worth in the current Saskatoon market contact me for a free home evaluation.  The Saskatoon real estate market is booming and it is definitely a sellers market.  It is important to know what other types of properties that you will be competing against and have a realistic idea of what you will get for your property.  I have dealt with many sellers that have thought just because the house two blocks over went for $400,000 their home would be worth the same.  In some cases they didn’t know that home had a completely finished basement and or other features that made it more appealing to buyers. Meanwhile their home didn’t have a finished basement and lacked other features.  In other instances, I have had clients think that because a home a few doors down for only $200,000 that is what theirs would be worth only to find that it was considerably more after I performed a free home evaluation.  Knowing and keeping up to date with the Saskatoon real estate market is how I make my living so if you are interested in selling your home and receiving a home evaluation be sure to contact me!

Kari Calder
Saskatoon Real Estate Agent
Century 21 Conexus Realty Ltd.

Don’t Leave Money On The Table

Sunday, March 2nd, 2008

With Saskatoon real estate being as hot as it is we have seen a huge influx of people looking to sell their home.  It is important to know the market you are selling to before you look at listing your home.  Many people have tried “For Sale By Owner” in Saskatoon only to find out later that they could have sold their home for significantly more.  Some people prefer to sell their home privately believing they will save money.  In some instances they do, but in a real estate market as hot as Saskatoon’s many people are leaving money on the table.  By working with a Saskatoon Realtor ® you have access to a much larger buying audience as well your home will be professionally marketed.  Buyers tend to be much more comfortable using a realtor as it is one way to protect the biggest purchase of your life.
If you are thinking about selling your home in Saskatoon be sure to read up on why to use a realtor before you think of selling your home yourself.

Kari Calder
Saskatoon Real Estate Agent
Century 21 Conexus Realty Ltd.

Saskatoon Real Estate Update – January 2008

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

Our current Saskatoon Real Estate market has picked up once again. After a small lull in the fall, the Saskatoon market has started out strong so far in 2008.

The 2007 overall average sales price in Saskatoon was $232,362 with January starting at $190,037 and ending in December with $255,271.

It seems that any homes that were listed in the fall and still on the market at the beginning of the year are now getting snapped up. Most people don’t want to wait for the spring boom this year which is actually propelling our market early. The Saskatoon market is once again in a sellers market with multiple offers already occurring.

So if you are thinking of buying a home in Saskatoon, don’t wait until Spring! Be prepared to be involved in a bidding competition though, even if a house is listed first come first serve as they may still get multiple offers. If you see a house in Saskatoon that looks like it may be ‘the one’ do not wait as you may miss out.

Contact me today if you are looking to either buy or sell a home in Saskatoon and the surrounding area!

Kari Calder
Saskatoon Real Estate Agent
Century 21 Conexus Realty Ltd.

Saskatoon Vacancy Rates at an All Time Recorded Low

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007

I think we all have heard about the condo conversions taking hold of our city, but the annual survey by the CMHC (Canada Housing and Mortgage Corp) has proven that our Saskatoon vacancy rate has fallen to an all time low with a 1.2% apartment vacancy rate. But, despite all that you hear about the rental increases, the average monthly rent for a 2 bedroom apartment in Saskatoon is just under $700; up only $85 per month since last year. The north end of Saskatoon as well as Nutana are both almost at 0% vacancy.

One of the reasons behind this is the booming housing market in Saskatoon we have been experiencing. Unfortunately it is harder for first time home buyers to get started in the Saskatoon Real Estate market now that prices have gone up, but there are still many options to get people started in the market. Just talk to a Saskatoon Realtor ® about how you can get started (and feel free to contact me!). Real estate in Saskatoon is still attainable for many people if you talk to the right professionals about how.

One of the ways of combating this low vacancy rate and increased housing costs in Saskatoon has been to build suites in homes to help pay the mortgage. This benefits both the home owners as well as the thousands affected by the rental shortage.

We hope that the new government will address the issue as if they do not, we will see a huge problem in Saskatchewan very quickly.

Any opinions out there? Please give me your points of view on this topic and how it can be addressed. As a real estate agent in Saskatoon I see every side of the topic and it is nice to get opinions from real people out there. Thanks!

Kari Calder
Saskatoon Real Estate Agent
Century 21 Conexus Realty Ltd.